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Over 2,600 local school children set to attend the Young Shakespeare performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ next week.
The event organised by the Gibraltar Cultural Services in partnership with the John Mackintosh Educational Trust forms part of Gibraltar’s cultural development and educational programme.
The Young Shakespeare is a leading UK organisation that has held performances and workshops locally over the past few years.
This year the Young Shakespeare Company will be performing ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ throughout the week to middle and secondary school students.
Two educational workshops will also be held for middle school and secondary school students interested in drama on how to understand and perform Shakespeare.
These workshops give students the opportunity to work with the professional actors and director of YSC Christopher Geelan.
The workshops provided methods on how to understand and analyse Shakespearean texts and techniques on stage fighting.
Workshops are scheduled for May 14 and 15 at 5pm at the Bayside Drama Studio.
Any students interested in attending these workshops should contact the Events Department at GCS on 20067236 or email info@culture.gi